
Sin Luz  -  Without Light 

In a land without light, the the third and fourth generation of those who worshiped a movement, rather than a creator of life, light a path from poverty and death to freedom and life.

Scene 1.0   In the dark of the night  

Introduction to the six main characters in order of appearance:

Sombra - the shadow.  A young talented, educated woman with limited economic and social opportunity.  She desires a freedom everyone believes can only be found in another land.

Ordo - the Police Chief is a distasteful creature in many ways.   

Jalena - the older woman who son Vida was pursued into exile by Ordo

Utheny - Jalena's daughter in law whose husband was pursued by Ordo who wanted both his business and his wife

Lisette - the daughter in law

Manuel - Lisette's cousin.  He is a quiet, hard worker with technical abilities.   Generally people think he lacks intelligence, but it is just a cover so that he is never suspected of being an instigator of anything. 

Dr Petrovich - a man from another country who communicates with Sombra

Scene 2.0 - Tres Anos Antes    

Introduction to the six main characters in order of appearance:

Sombra is in an electronic message with Dr Petrovich;

The topic of their conversation is the economic and social hardships.  At the end of the scene Dr Petrovich, give Sombra an challenging proposal.   What would that be?

Scene 3.0 - Tres Dias Antes

Sombra is considering the proposals, she can accept one but not the other.  Petrovich agrees and they move forward with the business proposal.  The other proposal is tabled but Sombra continues to think of it and Petrovich knows he will come back to it when it is time.

Scene 4.0 - Envy

Vida runs a successful business.  Everyone goes there to see him and his wife Utheny.  Ordo goes there.  Drinks a lot and is abusive to women.   He is there at the establishment when his nephew, a medical school instructor appears with a group of medical students.  The nephew slips something into one of the drinks and then pretending to help the young woman takes her behind the building and assaults her.   Vida and Utheny stumble upon the nephew cleaning up from the assault,  but Ordo followed them and knows what they saw.   Everyone knows the nephew has done this before.  Ordo covers for the nephew and they plots to destroy Vida and take over the business.

Scene 5.0 - Reprisal

Ortho and nephew take his first action against Vida and the business where the nephew was caught attempting to rape the young lady.  

    Scene 6.0 - Evil Prevails 

Sombra discusses the assault and reprisal with  Petrovich.    Petrovich returns to his original proposal, modifies it in light of the evil Sombra has witnessed and Sombra now seriously considers her moral obligation to take some action.   

 Scene 7.0 - I've got your back 

Sombra discusses the proposal with Manuel who has also seen Ordo's evil.  They discuss the proposal and if he as a man should take the action or if she should.   Manuel is the sole bread winner for his infirmed parents, so Sombra will not let him take the action.  He agrees as long as she allows him to participate in a way to reduce her risk of being caught.  They take what Petrovich first proposed and develop the plan. 

Scene 8.0 - Remitances

Petrovich agrees to the Sombra- Manuel plan and advances costs.   Neither would agree to accept the bonus Petrovich offers them upon completion of the plan as they want to engage it only for the moral justice not for the money.   The remittance is made and Manuel acquires the necessary tools / arrangements.

  Scene 9.0 - A hard choice

Manuel is taxiing Jalena and Utheny and overhears them discussing the medical student.   Manuel is disturbed by the story that she was pregnant from the assault and as she is in medical school and the sole support of a disabled mother, she had an abortion.   Sombra is horrified and to come to terms with it confides in Petrovich.  Petrovich advises Sombra he will take care of it but does not tell Sobmra how. 

Scene 10.0 - Maria

The Medical student Maria is approached by Petrovich through a Doctor at the hospital to work on a project.  Over a period of time, Maria confides in Petrovich the the full nature of her nightmare.  Her father drank and beat her mother.  He mother was unstable and often wandered the street.  Maria's father cared for her and took her to school  Maria was ostracized by the other children but her father made her study and she was the best student.   In medical school she was for the first time in her life accepted and social but her naivete was abused and now she is in depression and wants to quit school.   She is also pending papers to escape to another country, but struggles with who will care for her mother.  She confides in Petrovich and Petrovich's friend, Dr. Genio watches out for her. 

Scene 11.0 - the thrill 

Sombra and Manuel perform their first act of civil protest.   Petrovich sends them a remittance despite their protests.  He tells them to give it to someone if they will not use it to feed themselves.   They talk about how she feels.   He tells her that she and Manuel will not be able to forget the thrill and that she might as well start thinking of the next statement or target.  

Scene 11.0 - the big deal

The act of protest is s serious problem for the brutal, but incompetent authorities.   Everyone is posting pictures and commenting on the situation.  Having no clue, but needing a scapegoat Ordo arrests Vida and hauls him before the court.   The problem was that the the judges wife was at a friends brides party and which was catered by Vida and Utheny, and the wife not wanting the contempt of her friends, berates her husband to release Vida and after some time of denying him marital pleasure and threating to find a real man, he relents and Vida is released.  

Scene 12.0 - the escape 

Ordo plots against Vida.   But a driver overhears and discusses with other drivers and is heard by Manuel.  Vida must go into hiding and leave town.   He plots an escape.   Petrovich during his travels through the country stayed at Jalena's Inn and she contacts Petrovich.   The develop a plan to get Vida to another country.     Ordo files trumped criminal and civil charges against Vida and the business and the business is closed. 

Scene 99.0  Final

Characters in order of appearance:

Manuel:  the driver

Ordo:  the man in the wheelchair

Vida:  director of the clinic in Miami

Lisette:  Vida's wife

Jalena:  woman working in the clinic

-  Original Story  -  Screenplay