Is Cazado Ingles a real person: Yes
Are the stories he writes of real people: Yes
Are the fact of the stories true: Yes
Why are they written in English and Spanish: English is a better language for communicating the facts of a story. Pero el francés, el español y el italiano son mejores idiomas para expresar amor, odio, tristeza y alegría. Men speak and hear facts. Les femmes entendent et parlent des émotions.
Is Cazado a therapist or is he in therapy: Posible si. Posible no. La vida es trauma y la vida es terapia.
Is Cazado in a relationship: All relationships, be it with "I am", who created us to those in which we partook in creation are fluid. But most fluid of all relationships is that of the desire between men and women. From indifference to obsession. From contempt to complete self sacrifice. But what would be of life it were not that way? Be it a suffocating sameness. Logic has a stable reality. By their nature emotions are as unstable as the person who holds them and releases them with or without intention to bless or plague someone or some universe even as others wash in and over to bless or torment in another way. Cazado is in relationship with those for whom he has emotions and with those who have emotions for him, including a divine creator.